Would you believe there are simple, doable practices that will bring relief to neck and back pain?

Often simply understanding optimal posture and alignment will bring surprisingly quick results.

This membership allows you to practice when and where works best for you.

Figuring out where to start can be challenging though.  Sign up for the annual membership and you'll get a free one to one session with Kim where she'll help you to figure that out!


It's all ok

Begin where you are. Yoga is meant to meet you there. So stop beating yourself up for what can't remember or don't know how to do. 

Trust yourself

There are videos as short as one and a half minutes. Start there. Let yourself explore when and where you feel led. You can't do it wrong. 

Follow your inner leadings

Membership comes with varied practices to suit your changing  needs on different days and different times of the day or year. 


I understand. I've been where you are. I've felt what you're feeling

You have aspirations for the health and wellbeing and presence that yoga can bring you. But when you try to start you feel like something is missing. 

You might be thinking you’re a yoga teacher, of course YOU know how to practice on your own. Believe me I have been in every different space with my yoga practice. When I first started I tried using a book. I had sun salutation posted on my wall. I've had times where my practice was rigid, I HAD to do certain things to make it "count". At this point in my life, I am much more flexible and intuitive with my practice. It is all about getting present in my body. The physical benefits come but being able to connect with myself is priority number one. I am here to support you in getting to that place for yourself, where you know what your number one priority is and you can use yoga to help you meet it. . 



The Inspiration Membership

I've taken everything I know and all the questions and concerns students have shared with me over the years. This membership promises to be a comprehensive, varied, detail filled subscription, focused on helping you build yoga into your life in a way that supports and sustains you. It will provide practices, demos and tips that make yoga fit you rather than the other way around.

At the moment, the membership includes pranayama, meditation, active practices and a yoga nidra practice. Yoga practices that support the current theme will be added each month. I will also add other tips from Ayurveda, yoga philosophy, Sanskrit and other topics based on student request.

Live sessions will be held in the community forum to allow you to ask questions and in which I will provide teaching. 

In addition to the membership there will be courses like nervous system reset, addressing anxiety and depression with yoga. These courses will be offered at a discount to Inspiration members. 



You don't have to do it alone!

Not only do you get access to membership content – you also become part of our vibrant community who are here to help and support you and everyone else on your journey!